Furrow Cruiser or Cruiser Xtreme?
“I see you have a cast wheel now, is that better than your poly Furrow Cruiser?” That is a question we’ve been getting at farm shows, dealership visits and on phone calls recently. The answer is: “one wheel is not better than the other, it is ANOTHER option for certain situations.”
The Furrow Cruiser poly spiked wheel has been around for 11 seasons now. The light-weight poly allows users the versatility of running in tilled, strip-tilled and no-tilled ground. The amount of down pressure applied is related to the tillage practices of the farmer.
The Cruiser Xtreme was brought to the market as another closing wheel option. The wheel design is very similar to the Furrow Cruiser in the fact that the wheel has built in depth control by being wide at the base and blunt spikes to run clean in trash. Two major differences are that we eliminated two spikes to ensure the wheel cleans out in mud and the cast Cruiser Xtreme weighs 21 lbs a wheel. That’s 42 lbs a row that you will be adding to your planter! That weight is the main advantage of the Cruiser Xtreme.
Imagine planting in standing rye that is as tall as the planter, planting in “tough” no-till, or planting at 10-12 mph. A heavier spiked closing wheel would be a major advantage in these situations! We hear from happy customers that the Cruiser Xtreme doesn’t wrap and closes the furrow in the tallest of cover crops. We hear of great results from farmers who use the Xtreme Cruisers in planting because their no-till conditions are “tougher” than most places. We are also getting great feedback from high speed planting. The added weight keeps the wheels in the ground closing the furrow without having to crank on the down pressure.
So when you ask, “Which Cruiser wheel is better?”
Let us help you decide which option is best for your operation!